RheTech Plastic Distributor

RheTech, Inc.

RheTech is a leading manufacturer and supplier of innovative polymer materials and solutions. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on meeting the diverse needs of industries ranging from automotive to consumer goods, RheTech has established itself as a trusted name in the polymer industry. They specialize in the development and production of high-performance thermoplastic compounds, including reinforced, filled, and specialty formulations. RheTech's materials are known for their durability, lightweight properties, and versatility, making them a preferred choice for applications in automotive components, construction materials, and various other industrial sectors. With a dedication to sustainability and technological advancement, RheTech continues to drive innovation in polymer science, providing customers with cutting-edge solutions for their material needs.

Featured Materials

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RheComp® Polypropylene Compounds are excellent for molded-in color applications that require impact resistance, scratch resistance and low thermal expansion characteristics. 

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Thermoplastic olefins (TPOs) are available in a variety of grades based on stiffness; impact balance; colorability, UV stability and fire resistance. 

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Sustainable Materials

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RheLon (NYLON) PA 6 and PA 66 resins offer a wide range of performance from impact modified grades for excellent toughness to 50% glass-reinforced grades for high mechanical strength and thermal stability. RheLon* grades are available with up to 90% recycle content.  

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